Hilarious Tweets for Valentine’s Day


These hilarious Valentine’s Day tweets from single’s are really going to lit up your mood.

























90 thoughts on “Hilarious Tweets for Valentine’s Day”

  1. This made my day. I just shared it with my single friends too. I guess the one with the bank teller is something relatable. (LOL!) I had a friend who went out for a date but ended up paying because the guy did not have enough.

  2. These are great! I love the one about the bank teller. How embarrassing was that for the guy. I guess you need to be careful when dealing with your bank teller — they know your financial information! LOL

  3. This made my day. Thanks for sharing. I love the valentine’s day reservation. That was totally me. And the one with the hashtag #whyI’mSingle where she talks about not liking people or not wanting to leave her house. That is so me. I would do anything to not leave my house.
    This was a great roundup.

  4. Ohhh poor guy at the bank xD he got shot down hard sadly xD but these are fun and still it’s good to laugh here and there 😀

  5. Some of these were very funny, and makes you wonder. Sad some people think they are better off single. But as long as they are happy, who cares?

  6. Oh wow, This really made my day. I hope I read this earlier on Valentine’s Day. At least this will make feel happy and forgot that I am single Lol.

  7. These are funny! I like the guy who asked the girl on a date and also to marry him and she said no both times. Too funny!

  8. Haha such a great compilation of funny stuff. I was at first reading serious until I started giggling. Thanks for putting a smile on my face early in my morning. Have a nice day to you too.

  9. Omg so many funny valentine tweets!!! Definitely what I needed to read on this maniac Monday to lift my mood

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