7 Quotes on Abusive Relationship

Many individuals had been in an emotionally abusive relationship at some point in their lives. Emotional abuse is not like physical abuse. Physical abuse leaves a scar on the body but disappears with time. Emotional abuse leaves a permanent scar on the soul. Many times it had been seen that a person is in a relationship that is emotionally abusive but even they are not aware of that, instead whenever there is a rift they blame themselves.

I know there are thousands of them but today out of that I have 7 quotes on it, which will give you hope if you are in one.


1. “You must strive to find your own voice because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.” by Robin Williams

2. “You survived the abuse. You’re going to survive the recovery.” by Unknown

3. “Emotional abuse is designed to undermine another’s a sense of self. It is deliberate humiliation, with the intent to seize control of how others feel about themselves.” by Lorraine Nilon

4. “Well, I went through some emotionally abusive relationships and allowed myself to not be properly respected as a lady, as a human being even, though I tried everything I knew to be a lady.” Gloria Gaynor

5. “It is better to break your own heart by leaving an abusive relationship, rather than having that person breaking your heart every day.” by Unknown

6. “Overcoming abuse doesn’t just happen, It takes positive steps every day. Let today be the day you start to move forward.” by Assunta Harris

7.  “What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.” by Ellen Glasgow

If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, it is high time for you now to get out of it. Remember you can do it. Or if you know someone who is in an emotionally abusive relationship, help them out.

18 thoughts on “7 Quotes on Abusive Relationship”

  1. Abuse can occur on many levels. And yes, I agree that emotional abuse is far worse than physical. You never forget the harmful things people have said to you.

  2. These are great quotes. I hope that somewhere out there, someone in a bad relationship sees these and is inspired to leave.

  3. I think, I am touched with the 2nd qoute – You survive the abuse, so you must survive the recovery. Just think positive and you are on the right path to recovery.

  4. I guess it makes sense that Gloria Gaynor would have a quote about abusive relationships because her song “I will Survive” however, I learned that she never wrote it and it wasnt about relationships. Rather, Dino Fekaris, the original writer of the song, “I Will Survive” wrote the lyrics about when he got fired by Motown Records!

    Either way though, I love how most of these 7 quotes are about finding self worth!

  5. “It is better to break your own heart by leaving an abusive relationship, rather than having that person breaking your heart every day.” by Unknown. I love this so much!

  6. We all need to give support and love to those we find in an abusive relationship and I think your quote is what they need to look at clearly about their situation. I think your quotes will help a lot of people.

  7. This is a good read. Definitely, a good way to recover is to read these quotes. I will share this with my friends whom I know suffering from some abusive relationships.

  8. These are very powerful and helpful for those who are in an abusive relationship. I especially love the one by Robin Willams because that speaks a lot of volumes and is so supportive.

  9. These are powerful and great quotes. I have never been in an abusive relationship but I know what it’s like to love someone, it’s pretty hard to let go.

  10. I have been watching the court proceedings between Amber Hurd and Johnny Depp, I have learned a lot about different kinds of abuse. These are great quotes!

  11. Zandra castillo

    I feel so much compassion for people who are caught up in abusive relationships. It is so sad for them.

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