This week I have another poem on my space, written by the beautiful and talented Amays Zing, the blogger of amayszing.com. She had already posted this in there.





A poem about reality.

“People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all.”

-Jim Morrison.



Life has a full of dreams.

with the live full of expectations.

We always define the perfect

until one day envy find me.

We afraid about failure

but insecurity hits me.

A dream doesn’t reality through magic.

only it happens in imagination.

I refuse to accept the fact of

Reality in disappointment.

A mirror of reality.

can destroy the equality.

by judgement, anger and selfishness.

I’ve started to paint my own reality.

with the love, joy and acceptance.

It helps me feel to enthusiastic.

Don’t live with the full of lies.

Just to meet your expectations.

We don’t create the fantasy world

to escape the reality.

Reality teaches you to work hard

progress and improvement.

Because life is a unique picture

of reality.

123 thoughts on “MIRROR OF REALITY”

  1. A very thought-provoking poem that we can all use to think about our own reality and lives. I suppose our personal interpretation would also change during the various stages in our life, as our reality changes. Love the creativity and talent shared here.

  2. Deep yet uplifting poem, and love the imagery that was used. Especially your ending of life being a picture of reality. We sure make sure the picture we paint is a beautiful one.

  3. Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    I used to be so insecure of myself and thought that I was not doing a good job raising my children. Well, guess what, I proved myself wrong. All my children are college degree holders, two of which are already gainfully employed. I think it is only your perception of yourself that becomes a hindrance to achieve your dreams.

  4. it’s good that we must find what our insecurities are. the younger we recognize them, the better because we still have time to fix them. when we cant handle them ourselves, our relationships with other people will be affected as well. it’s good to have introspection from time to time.

  5. The poem is real and talks about the bitter truth. To be free we all need to accept the reality, because life is only about reality. We imagine many things while in the house but when we get out, we see the real world, different from our imagination.
    Thanks for the reminder poem.

  6. Melanie williams

    At times like this it is always nice to read a bit of poetry for sure. thank you so much for this x

  7. What a thoughtful poem. I always wonder if I can accept reality or just live in fantasy. I don’t want to accept reality sometimes because there are many angles or sides of it.

  8. blair villanueva

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. Keep on creating original poems, maybe one day you can publish it as a book!

  9. Amazing poem which reflect everything in this life and I believe everybody can relate with ease on this. Loved it!

  10. A very lovely and beautifully written poem that goes very deep. It is easy to construct in fantasy world of self-denial and not focus on the reality around us.

  11. Failure and insecurity is part of growing up but it shouldn’t stop us from facing the reality. Gotta love this poem. It’s beautiful!

  12. Wow my Poetry is here! First of all I would like to thank you Moni for posting my poetry and many people gives me a compliment comment. Poetry is the way to express my feelings. This poetry means a lot to me and to those people who did comment on this blog thank you so much I hope you learned something to my poetry post! Love lots people. Cheers.
    P.S Amayszing.

    1. true poetry is the best way to express your those feelings which you can’t directly define to anyone…your poetry is super awesome and much heart touching…loved your thoughts…

  13. What a beautiful end. “life is a unique picture of reality.” Thanks for sharing the wonderful piece.

  14. Blair villanueva

    When you live a life full of lies and fakeness, you will only gain stress and pressure until one day you can’t carry on. Simplicity in life wasn’t bad after all.

  15. Such an awesome thought provoking poem. I feel very troubled and insecure with downs and failures. Also I think these feelings also depend on which phase you are at and what the situation is.

  16. That is a lovely poem, I know Amays from the blogging groups and her blog. Indeed, we shouldn’t change our worlds for others.

  17. This is such a life-affirming poem. It rings so true to me. Because life is a unique picture of reality. So True!!

  18. Very nice poem.I did not know Amays is so talented and likes to write poetry. I am very surprised and impressed.

  19. Melanie williams

    This is such a beautiful poem and it is nice to read at times like this too. thanks for sharing x

  20. Deep poem – It is so important to recognize that we have the ability to create our own reality, just as you reference here. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Nice poem. Reality and disappointment are natural in life but it’s up to use to push past that to the goodness of life and its people.

  22. Authenticity is a rare character in a world where people want to be admired and liked. Everybody has insecurities, only those that are really brave will admit this to themselves and to others.

  23. Such an amazing poem. Yes the anger and judgement are the biggest enemy and it can spoil the reality and blind a person.

  24. This is really nice provoking-poem I’ve read. I relate to being afraid of failure, its so hard to open to someone.

  25. Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    It is a nice poem and the author was able to express her thoughts and feelings through a poem. I always believe failures are lessons we have to learn from. I try to always look for the positive side of everything.

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