Mahabharat is the world’s largest epic. We all know the story revolves between two branches of family the Pandavas and Kauravas. While reading or watching Mahabharat if you have noticed it is relevant to our day to day life.
Today I have 8 such take aways of mine from the Epic Mahabharat.
1. Never Make a Woman Angry
Remember, when Draupadi was insulted in the court by Kauravas?
She cursed them that their lineage will end. None of the Kauravas made it out alive from the war.
2. Being humble and generous is not enough to live
Karna’s life is an example here, he had the most humble of heart and always tried to help, but couldn’t succeed because people never cared about him.
It’s not all about winning.
Many characters in Mahabharat are killed unjustly, even though they’re good people with pure intentions. The same can be true in life, not everything will go your way and that’s okay!
Your family is your priority no matter what.
Even in today’s world, you might be a humble and generous human but being humble and generous doesn’t mean that you won’t protect yourself and your family against the evil of society.
3. Loyal friends will Never Leave Your Side
The Pandavas had Lord Krishna’s friendship and support and the Kauravas had Karna’s friendship. Both Karna and Lord Krishna support their respective parties.
Losing the battle was not what was meant to happen. It was not what they had planned or wanted, but they were still loyal friends while their entire family lost their life’s goal.
Karna and Lord Krishna are examples of how loyalty is important for winning battles in war, whether it is the battle…
Loyal friends will take you places with them and win battles with you even if you lose out on your fight against the opposing party yourself. This support will help make up for extra losses and ultimately win you a war without physically fighting.
4. Bad Company Will Ruin Your Life.
Remember Shakuni Mama? He influenced the Kauravas negatively. Yes, he was avenging his family but if it were not for Shakuni Mama, the Battle of Mahabharat would never take place.
5. Often, Enemies Come In Life in the Form of Friends.
Kauravas were more in number, but if you see the best warriors like Bheeshma, Dronacharya, Vidhura they secretly admired the Pandavas. Although they couldn’t support them directly yet they wanted them to win the battle.
6. Half Knowledge is Dangerous than No Knowledge
We all loved Abhimanyu for his undying courage. He knew how to enter the trap (Chakravyuh) but he didn’t know how to get out of it. Had he known about it, he would have been saved.
7. If You Are Passionate about Something, No One Can Stop You.
You may remember Ekalavya, who was know as the fastest Archer than Arjuna. He learnt archery from Guru Dronacharya, and when the Guru realized that Eklavya was better than Arjuna, he asked him to cut off his thumb and give it to him as his ‘Gurudakshina’. Yet, after he had given it to Dronacharya he invented his own technique of shooting arrows which did not require thumb.
8. No Matter Whatever You Do, Good Strategy is Always Needed.
The only reason Pandavas won the battle of Mahabharat was because they had Krishna. Lord Krishna was indeed the Mastermind.
Although there are more things that we learn from Mahabharat but these are the ones which I liked the most.
If you want to add anything to the list let me know in the comments below.
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mojo Box – A great way to sample brands before buying them.