A Gift

“I am tired of this. I have had enough. I can feel whenever someone close to me is about to die. I’ve felt it since I was a child, and I still do whenever a relative or a friend is about to die.

It’s not that I didn’t try to protect them; I did. Trust me, I did, but everyone said I needed a psychiatrist. People have even mocked me, saying that a shrink needs a therapist herself. People are unaware that there are questions that science cannot answer.

My Piyush is about to die, Maya. I tried to tell him, but he said I had lost it.

Please protect him, Maya… Please save him. “I beg you.”

“You know I can’t do that, Kaveri, whatever is about to happen will happen; you can’t change destiny. Accept it, you have a gift.”

“Don’t do this, Maya; save him, please.”

Kaveri wept bitterly in her hypnotized condition.

“Dr. Maya, do you think she will recover?” Piyush looked at Maya with expectant eyes. Maya didn’t reply; she smiled and left the room.

What Piyush didn’t see was that as soon as he turned his back on Maya, she vanished into thin air.



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This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

18 thoughts on “A Gift”

  1. Bedabrata Chakraborty

    You got me hooked on from the first sentence. Yet I was somehow not expecting such an ending! Interesting read, look forward to more.

  2. You have a talent of writing short interesting stories.
    But I prefer your romantic stories more as they are new, real to life & unpredictable.

    Keep writing.

  3. That was quite a twist. I thought it will end differently but you always have a way to bring out a twist from nowhere. Yours are the only horror stiries I read,

  4. Intriguing as always. Hope you consider converting some of your nano tales to short stories. Would have loved to know what happens next.

  5. I’m not sure with this but the story seems familiar to a movie I’ve seen, a Korean movie I think. Perhaps that has been based on this book. Not sure. Anyways, this gift isn’t something one would like to have. It must have been really hard using this kind of gift for the good and still maintain a normal life.

  6. As usual short crisp and meaningful short story from your side which I always love reading. Thank You Monidipa for entertaining my reader’s heart with your beautiful yet different stories so gracefully.

  7. Your twists always amaze me Moni… when I think it’s the end of the story… there comes the twist… n they’re so creative… my! my!

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