Review: A Man and A Woman – A Heartfelt Tale of Love and Timing

This movie was shared with me by a friend who loves K-Dramas and Korean Movies and is a big fan of Gong Yoo and some others whose names I can’t recall.

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So, some time back, I was traveling and had 2 hours of free time, so I decided to watch this movie, and it was good. I wouldn’t say it was mind-blowing, amazing, or astonishing, but it was emotional. It touched me because the actors, Gong Yoo and Jeon Do-Yeon, portrayed their roles so well. I really liked Jeon Do-Yeon’s portrayal as Sang Min; it was really good. I mean she followed her heart.

So basically, ‘A Man and A Woman’ movie is about two people who are married to different people and have kids. They meet in a children’s camp in Helsinki, Finland, where they had come to drop their kids. Now they encounter a snowstorm and spend some good time together. The next day they make out. Interestingly, they never ask each other’s names.

Months later, Ki-Hong (Gong Yoo) tracks down Sang Min in South Korea, and they get to know each other. We (the viewers) get to know that both their married lives aren’t going well. Now, the steamy part: both Ki-Hong and Sang Min start an affair, spending nights together. No one knows of it except them.

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All goes well, but then Sang Min realizes that she loves Ki-Hong and she divorces her husband. She goes back to Finland to find Ki-Hong, and in a restaurant, she sees him happy with his family and leaves from there. Ki-Hong sees her too, and as he was about to follow her, he sees his daughter, who is smiling at him, and he stops in his tracks. He loves Sang Min too, but he chooses his wife and daughter above his love.

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This might sound like a normal movie plot to you, but I had two things on my mind:

1. Right Person, Wrong Time

In life, we might meet someone who seems perfect for us, who understands us like no one else. But, sometimes, circumstances play a tricky role.

The characters, Sang-min and Ki-Hong, are stuck in this situation. They’re both married and meet during a school trip to Finland, where they form a connection that goes beyond friendship. The viewers had rooted for them, but life isn’t always straightforward. Their existing commitments, responsibilities, and societal expectations stand as barriers, and they have to deal with their emotions in silence.

2. The Feeling of Helplessness

Towards the end of the movie, Ki-Hong wanted to go after Sang Min but he stopped as he saw his daughter. Gong Yoo had played this emotion very skillfully. This movie reminds us that our feelings don’t always fit with our circumstances. Love is strong, but it’s not easy to manage. The way the movie shows this feeling of Love being beyond anyone’s control; this connects the movie with us, helping us relate to the characters as they deal with their emotions. It also made me feel the sacrifices we humans make in the name of duties and responsibility.

This movie is relatable to us, as many of us might have come across times when we may have met someone special, but the timing wasn’t right. We’ve felt the weight of society’s norms and our own responsibilities, making us make difficult choices.

What I liked about the story was that it was beautifully written with layers of emotion, making us think about love’s intricate dance between two hearts. Well, both actors have done really well.

Finally, if you haven’t watched this movie, ‘A Man and A Woman,’ watch it. Although it’s a one-time watch, I can bet you won’t be able to hold back your emotions.


What else did I watch this month?

  1. The Fall of the House of Usher
  2. Beckham
  3. A Classic Horror Story


The Fall of the House of Usher‘ remains my favorite due to its marvelous storytelling. Beckham is one interesting documentary series which didn’t nostalgic or sycophant but it is about a boy who grew to be a man. And lastly, A Classic Horror Story. Interesting story, not at all scary, but this was good, something different but certain scenes are gruesome I loved the post credit scenes though.

54 thoughts on “Review: A Man and A Woman – A Heartfelt Tale of Love and Timing”

  1. Where can I watch this? I tried Netflix but it’s not there. I liked Gong Yoo in his KDrama Goblin and Coffee Prince. Those are just light stories so I’m curious how he acts on this movie.

    1. You can find some of his movies and shows like Silent Sea is there on netflix, u can find some of his movies like silenced on netflix, train to busan is on prime.

  2. Thanks for the honest review. I had the same thought about right person, wrong time when I read your summary. Sounds like an emotional movie for sure.

  3. This story line sounds beautifully written and portrayed. It seems like the classic story of ill-fated timing. I’m intrigued to check it out soon.

  4. I really want to watch this movie. Gong Yoo and Jeon Do-Yeon, the actors, did an amazing job in their roles. The different emotions portrayed in the story, along with its relatable plot, make it an excellent choice for anyone who wants to watch a movie that touches the heart.

  5. Feelings do not always align with circumstances that’s for sure. Especially true when love is involved. Whoever said love is blind, knew what they were talking about.

  6. I like to spend that time traveling watching movies sometimes too. I end up watching things I wouldn’t have typically watched and sometimes good surprises take place because of it. This one sounds like it could pull on some heartstrings. I think finding someone you felt that connection to if you already made commitment elsewhere would be so very heartaching.

  7. I appreciate your thoughtful review of ‘A Man and A Woman.’ Sometimes, a movie doesn’t have to be mind-blowing to leave a lasting impact, and it’s all about the emotional connection it forges. Gong Yoo and Jeon Do-Yeon’s performances seem to have added depth to the story. The premise of two individuals with complicated lives finding a connection in an unexpected setting, like a snowstorm in Helsinki, makes it intriguing. Sometimes, it’s the subtleties that resonate the most.

  8. I liked that in end of the post you had added the shows you had watched additionally. By the way this movie does not sound like our kind of movie we’d prefer watching but I hope that you enjoyed it. The review was very honest, I lied the part where you mentioned ‘one time watch’.

  9. Love Gong Yoo so I will definitely be checking this one out! What a great sounds so heartfelt. I think that’s why I love Korean television more. The dramas are so emotional and then their shows are usually very happy and uplifting.

  10. Relationships are never easy and take so much work to make sure you both can take care of it. Sadly there’s alot of the right person, wrong time. Those are such heartbreaking movies for me.

  11. This sounds like a good movie for anyone to watch, since we are all involved in relationships to some degree. And I think we can all relate to what the two main characters felt in this film.

  12. This is so interesting! I love Gong Yoo and his choice of movie and stories is always good! It has me hooked already! Love this one!

  13. Melissa Cushing

    This looks and sounds like a lovely film and one that I would for sure love to see! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and looking to see fi I can find this one 😉

  14. I enjoyed reading your honest review & detailed sharing here that make me wanna check out this movie for a watch during one of my upcoming weekend. Love the storyline & can’t wait . Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

  15. This looks like an awesome movie that I need to invest time in watching! My husband and I will add it to our watch list for this weekend!

  16. I am a fan of Gong Yoo and I would love to watch this. I agree with you that one of life’s irony is finding the right person at the wrong time. Though we don’t really know why, this happens for a reason. Happiness is always a choice. I am glad that Gong Yoo decided to choose his wife and daughter in the end.

  17. A beautifully written movie with complex layers can be a good one to watch. Not sure I’d enjoy those themes and sub-titles though.

  18. Bedabrata Chakraborty

    Thanks for the review. Love stories are nice. Timing is important for sure. Would watch A man and a woman soon!

  19. That’s so great movie to watch. The movie was very nicely acted and both Yoo Gong and Do-yeon Jeon performed amazingly well in the movie, and did a great job in carrying the movie. A quite powerful film. Yet the acting along with everything else make the emotions and feelings of love quite real.

  20. K Drama and movies are being watched with so much love. Emotion is what caters the audience attention and seems like the movie had it to epitome. At the end what matters is experience.

  21. A Man and a Woman—how beautiful is the story plot? I loved the way you reviewed it. We sometimes meet people unexpectedly and fall for them because, in our lives, they come as a storm and show us the true meaning of love. But due to society, and other cercumstances most of us dare to cross the boundaries and life goes on with the memories.

  22. That’s the thing about Korean dramas, they grow on you! “A man and a woman” breaks the mold of “..and they lived happily ever after”, which was a bit hurtful but that’s practical life most of the time as you said, right person wrong timing!

  23. Aah! Life’s timing can be a puzzle. Sometimes, despite a profound connection, the stars just don’t align. Sad but true. Thanks for this recommendation, will cetainly check it out!

  24. I am a huge fan of Korean dramas and movies. Gong Yoo is such a fine actor, he puts his all in the characters he play. I haven’t watched this movie yet, so adding it now to my list. Though the story sounds common but I am sure there’s more to the acting and emotions that one can look forward to.

  25. Definitely! “A Man and A Woman” shows how love gets complicated in life. Gong Yoo and Jeon Do-Yeon act so well, making us feel all emotional. The story hits on the struggle between love and duties. It’s a touching movie about dealing with feelings and what society expects, something many can relate to.

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