The Boy Who Drank From the Chocolate River

Deep within the emerald jungles of Kerala, nestled amongst towering trees with leaves the size of dinner plates, lived a young boy named Rohan. Rohan had eyes as dark as the richest cocoa beans and a mischievous grin that could melt any heart faster than a bar of chocolate under the midday sun. One scorching afternoon, while playing near the gurgling Meenachil River, Rohan stumbled upon something extraordinary.

“Woah!” he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the stillness. Tucked away behind a curtain of lush creepers, there it was – a hidden stream, its water shimmering a color unlike anything he’d ever seen. It wasn’t the usual blue or green, but a rich, deep brown, like hot chocolate. Curiosity bubbling within him, Rohan peeked closer.

“Hello?” he called out hesitantly.

A gentle voice, like the clinking of tiny bells, answered from behind a large banyan tree. “Who’s there?”

Rohan cautiously stepped forward. There, sitting beneath the shade of the tree, was an old woman. Her silver hair was braided with vibrant red hibiscus flowers, and her warm brown eyes sparkled with a wisdom that seemed to come from a bygone era.

“I’m Rohan,” he said, his voice barely a whisper.

The woman smiled. “Greetings, Rohan. I am Amara, the keeper of this secret place.”

Intrigued, Rohan blurted out, “Why is the water brown?”

Amara chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in the breeze. “This, my dear boy, is no ordinary stream. It is the legendary Chocolate Stream, its waters infused with the essence of the finest cocoa beans.”

Rohan’s eyes widened. Chocolate? Flowing like a river? He could barely imagine it.

Amara seemed to read his mind. “Take a cup,” she said, her wrinkled hand offering a small, intricately carved coconut shell.

Hesitantly, Rohan dipped the cup into the stream. The water, cool and surprisingly smooth, filled the shell. He brought it to his lips, his heart pounding with anticipation.

One sip, and a wave of pure magic washed over him. The taste was unlike any chocolate he’d ever had. It was sweet, creamy, with a hint of spice that danced on his tongue. It was the taste of happiness, of childhood dreams coming true.

“Wow!” Rohan exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder.

Amara smiled knowingly. “This stream is a gift, Rohan. But remember, its secret must be kept. The world is not ready for this kind of magic.”

Rohan nodded solemnly, the promise hanging heavy in the air. He spent the rest of the afternoon with Amara, listening to stories of her childhood, of mischievous monkeys and talking parrots. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, it was time to leave.

With a heavy heart, Rohan said his goodbyes. He walked away, the taste of the magical chocolate lingering on his lips, a secret treasure locked away in his heart. He knew that the hidden stream would forever be his special place, a reminder of the extraordinary day he encountered the magic of the Chocolate Stream.

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

30 thoughts on “The Boy Who Drank From the Chocolate River”

  1. This story, “The Boy Who Drank from the Chocolate River,” is absolutely captivating! I was immediately drawn into the whimsical world you’ve created, filled with vivid imagery and magical elements. The characters are so endearing, and I found myself rooting for the boy as he embarked on his adventurous journey. Your storytelling skills are truly impressive, and I can’t wait to read more from you. Keep up the fantastic work!

  2. I really enjoyed your vivid descriptions of the setting and characters, like the leaves as big as dinner plates and Amara’s laugh sounding like wind chimes swaying in the breeze. It’s so immersive—I can almost picture myself right there in the scene. But I’m curious, why does Rohan need to keep the cocoa bean-infused waters a secret?

  3. The Boy Who Drank From the Chocolate River’ is perfect. It sparked such wonder and imagination in my kids, and we’ve been talking about magical streams and hidden treasures ever since.

  4. Having been to Kerala myself, I can imagine myself in the jungles of the region… but with a chocolate river instead if the typical water version!

  5. What a wonderful story. I enjoyed the fantasy and magic as did my children when I read it to them. They are already dreaming of finding their own chocolate river!

  6. Lovely story. Maybe this is yet to become a movie. The boy who drank from the Chocolate river. You should pitch this to some producer. Of course, there should be more to it. Like he got some good power… unique one… But, I’m sure kids will love this!

  7. Interesting story, love the way you walk us through it. Enjoyed reading and would give your writing 8.5/10. You got me reading through it and imagining the story very well haha.

  8. Its like you read my mind! You appear to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is fantastic blog. A great read. I’ll certainly be back.

  9. Heard about The Petitcodiac River – a river located in south-eastern New Brunswick, Canada. Local tourist businesses often refer to it as the “chocolate river” due to its distinctive brown mud floor and brown waters.
    But here “It is the legendary Chocolate Stream, its waters infused with the essence of the finest cocoa beans.” Enjoyed reading it.

  10. I know you as an excellent storyteller and you again proved that I am absolutely correct with this amazing story on the theme Chocolate. Its an absolute brilliant piece from you. Keep it up buddy great going.

  11. Hi, Kudos to your fabulous creative imagination for making the Meenachil River in Godsowncountry the setting of your story. You’re prompting the Country’s tourism promoters to make a secret expedition to look out for the cup and enjoy the browny drink in the company of the press. I loved reading your story.

  12. Wow What a captivating story. While reading this story , I was thinking about my childhood stories like Hensel and Gretel and the Cake House. Rohan seems to have discovered the magic of Chocolate river. I wish some of my dreams were discovered by chance.

  13. What a captivating tale woven with the allure of mystery and the sweetness of imagination! Your vivid descriptions transported me to the emerald jungles of Kerala, where Rohan’s encounter with the legendary Chocolate Stream unfolded like a dream. I could almost taste the enchanting waters and feel the warmth of Amara’s wisdom.

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